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Writing and Art Inspired by the Feminine

I'm Karen, a writer and artist in Scotland.  I write and paint from deep within myself, drawing on the feelings, images and experiences evoked in me as I navigate my life and creative path as a woman, mother and long time student of psychology, spirituality and embodiment.  Having embarked on a significant process of personal growth and transformation many years ago, I have come to believe in the power and nourishment of contacting and building a relationship with the feminine spirit within.  In a world often focused on profit before people, money before meaning and productivity over deeper needs and feeling, I have come to believe that diving deep into the realms of the feminine offers new perspectives, experiences and wisdom for our times.


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'I love my creative life more than I love cooperating with my own oppression'

Clarissa Pinkola-Estes, Women Who Run with the Wolves

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